About us

Our headquarters located in Johor Bahru, Malaysia, Southeast Asia

Welcome to Melbourne Wealth

Melbourne Wealth is a family business run by 3rd generation started businesses unrecorded in the late 1960s and first recorded in the year 1988.

Melbourne Wealth was re-brand from Perladangan Sungai Tenglu. The main business was agricultural, focused on growing and expanding to international trade as well as builder consultation services years later.

Strong family values are the finest legacy one can pass down through generations. A genuine love of people, working with integrity to help others, and a passion for supporting the community. These are the founding principles that drive Melbourne Wealth to look after loyal clients and families that share the same values.

Three generations have seen our business grow from humble beginnings in Johor Bahru, to current-day wholesale vegetable and fruit operations across Malaysia and Indonesia. Melbourne Wealth has grown through the nurturing of relationships that reciprocate communal respect and prosperity. After all, you only get out what you put in.

For more than 60 years, our company vision to supply premium produce and superior service has never wavered. Embracing practical innovations and applying industry-best practices lies at the essence of the renowned Melbourne Wealths’ farm-to-plate experience. Rain or shine, we’re always here for our much-loved vegetable and fruit family.

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